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Bracknell Security Keyholders

Bracknell Security & Keyholding Company
24hr Intruder Alarm Response and Security Keyholder Service for Bracknell, Ascot, Windsor, Camberley, Crowthorne, Wokingham

24hr Intruder Alarm Response

Vacant Property Security

Construction site security
Are you looking for:
Security Guarding Companies
Security Keyholding Companies
24hr Intruder Alarm Keyholder Response
Security Guard Companies
Daily Unlocking and Locking Services
Vacant Property Security
Construction Site Security
Lone Worker Monitoring
Bracknell's local security guarding and 24hr intruder alarm response company protecting people, property and assets around Bracknell, Ascot, Windsor, Wokingham, Crowthorne, Camberley areas through:
Roving Mobile Security Patrols at random times as a deterrent and visual check of your premises.
Daily unlock and lock up services to reduce the number of people with keys and codes - and the reassurance that your property is secure outside of working hours.
Temporary security guarding to protect your property.
Bracknell Security Keyholding company are part of the family-owned and run Property Security Group Limited local security company.
Our Services
Our Services
Your local Bracknell security company, key holder alarm response service, security guarding service, mobile security patrol company, construction site security specialists, scaffolding alarm hire company, vacant property security specialists
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